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ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management

ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management

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ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management

Civilized society in its development is always looking for new opportunities to deal with losses. Since the middle of the twentieth century, people have actively fight to improve the quality of products with a simultaneous reduction of costs, in the 80s the issue of the impact on the environmental sphere and the rapid implementation of environmental standards was raised sharply. And in the 1990s the public’s attention was focused on the rights of safe working personnel.

With the annual increase in world GDP, human casualties in all industries grew exponentially. Injuries, poisonings, explosions, collapses. Hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of tragic events were all avoidable. And the public timely said STOP to unmanageable conditions that were highly likely to take someone’s life. Production tasks cannot be considered successful if people are killed or injured in the process.

That’s when international occupational safety standards began to emerge and develop. First the OHSAS 18001 family, and then the ISO 45001 standard.

What is ISO 45001:2018?

Today, ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems is just about the only international document that inspires trust from customers and staff alike. By complying with its requirements and approaches, industrial safety management has several highly effective tools at once:

  • Risk-based decision-making;
  • involvement of a wide range of personnel in occupational health and safety issues;
  • systematic process of improving working conditions for employees.

Why do you need ISO 45001:2018 certification?

First and foremost, for your own assurance that your company’s existing management system can achieve zero injuries and avoid financial losses due to violations of labor protection laws.

And given that the requirements to management of international market participants are becoming stricter, the presence of ISO 45001:2018 certified system becomes not just an advantage, but a prerequisite for successful business abroad. For example, not so long ago the Norwegian Oil Fund (the country’s pension fund, which has more than $1 trillion in assets), refused to participate in the management of large industrial holdings and sold all its parts in their business because of the extremely low level of occupational safety and environmental management.

How effectively occupational health and safety management at enterprises will function depends, in no small part, on the team of specialists who accompany and periodically give an objective assessment of its maturity level. And by choosing our experts you can be sure of their competence and impartiality.

What are the key benefits for your organization?

ISO 45001 ensures that your organization has a management system in place to reduce health and safety risks in the workplace, protecting workers from potential harm.

Other benefits of ISO 45001 include:

  • Reduced overall incident costs.
  • Reduced risk of downtime and disruption costs.
  • Reduced cost of insurance premiums.
  • Reduced absenteeism and turnover.
  • Improved ability to respond to legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Recognition for achieving an international standard.

By completing all stages of ISO 45001:2018 certification with the TIC team, you will gain confidence that your facility’s health and safety system can effectively manage employee safety risks and prevent incidents that affect the stability of the company as a whole.