Send requestClimate change is a key challenge of the 21st century. Activities aimed at preventing climate change give rise to new opportunities for reducing costs and generating profits.
Rational use of energy resources, reduction of losses in extraction, processing and transportation of fuel, introduction of energy-saving technologies and measures aimed at efficient generation and transmission of energy, reduction of industrial gas emissions not only bring huge savings, but also allow you to fulfill your environmental obligations, including those aimed at combating climate change.
Balance your financial and environmental needs.
By implementing projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions you can achieve the following benefits:
- Attracting external investments and saving own funds.
- Modernization of existing equipment and implementation of modern technologies
- Creation of the platform for development and implementation of energy efficiency projects
- Trust of investors and partners at a global level
- Creating the image of an environmentally responsible company
TIC UKRAINE will support you on this path. Place your trust in a reliable partner – TÜV Austria.
Since 2000 we have been evaluating mitigation projects in more than 88 countries worldwide. TÜV Austria has successfully registered the first CDM project in China and the world’s first PCP in Ukraine.
Your benefits when you work with TÜV Austria:
- Transparency.
The determination and verification of projects with TÜV Austria is a guarantee of transparency, efficiency in process management and concern for the environment
- Investment security.
Our experts know how to secure your investments and developments
- Time savings.
TÜV Austria experts take key requirements into account as early as the planning phase of a project
- Objectivity.
TÜV Austria stands for impartiality and cost effectiveness all over the world
- Trustworthy brand.
TÜV Austria offers a high reputation worldwide.
We offer the following services for climate protection projects
- Determination/validation and verification: Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism projects
- Validation and verification of projects implemented by independent or voluntary schemes (VER+, Gold Standard, VCS, etc.)
- Assessment of “carbon footprint” in accordance with international standards “Greenhouse Gas Protocol” and ISO 14064
- Certification of electricity from renewable energy sources
- Maintenance of Green Certificates as well as Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) under the Green Investment Scheme.
Trust the experts who know their business. Get in touch with us. We’ll be glad to help you.