Official Representation
of TÜV Austria in Ukraine.

04053, Kyiv, Ukraine
Sichovih Strilciv st, 50, of. 2b
on map
Ph: 380 44 344 9526 Fax: 380 44 344 9526


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We offer our customers the following types of inspections:

Shipment inspections (inspections are carried out at the warehouses of finished products of factories):

  • Cargo identification;
  • Random sampling inspection of dimensions;
  • Visual evaluation of the quality of the surface in places accessible to inspection;
  • Inspection of labeling and packaging;
  • Talman’s account during loading;
  • Photographs (with security approval);
  • Daily summary reports indicating quantities shipped and major observations;
  • Issuance of final inspection report.

Inspections with Extended Inspection Assignment.

With value-added inspections, our company also does one or more of the following inspections in addition to the loading inspection:

  • Inspection of product technology;
  • Inspection of the quality of the surface of the products on the inspection shelves of the OTK (depending on the customer’s assignment may be 100% inspection of all or part of the total amount of the ordered products);
  • Inspection of flatness/curvature;
  • Size control;
  • Control over mechanical testing and chemical analysis sampling;
  • Control of the results of mechanical tests and chemical analysis carried out in the mechanical and chemical laboratories of the mills.

Shipment inspection of goods to the Consumer, from the port/warehouse of the Supplier:

  • Identification of cargo by documents;
  • Determination of suitability and compliance of wagons / cars and containers for the transport of various goods;
  • Control of cargo operations, recommendations for stowage and securing of cargo and supervision during cargo operations;
  • Talman counting of cargo when loading wagons/automachines and containers;
  • Control of loading material onto a vehicle;
  • Control of weighing of vehicles before and after loading, to determine the net weight;
  • If necessary, sealing of vehicles with the seal of the inspection company;
  • Photo Report;
  • Daily reports; Final report.

Inspection of goods in the port, when unloaded from the ship:

  • Identification of cargo by documents;
  • Control of the integrity of the seals in the holds of the ship;
  • Control of unloading of material from the holds of the ship;
  • Monitoring of storage of material in port;
  • Reporting by photo;
  • Daily reports;
  • Final report.

The above-mentioned types of inspections are standard in the market of inspection services.

Based on the long experience of the Inspection Department staff, in order to minimize the risks of production and/or receiving substandard products, we offer the following inspection activities in addition to the above-mentioned types of inspections:

  • Tracking the production and testing schedules of products.
  • Assessment of the status of stocks of materials and components in terms of production availability.
  • Materials and components procurement specifications evaluation in terms of compliance with the requirements for the manufactured products.
  • Assessment of current and planned production load, sufficiency of technical and human resources for timely production of works and agreed delivery dates.
  • Assessment of other technical and organizational risks that may result in untimely product delivery.
  • Control of timing of production and shipment of products.
  • Verification of the compliance of the developed design documentation with the customer’s specifications and requirements.
  • Control over observance of production technology and quality of production and used materials/components in accordance with the Customer’s requirements.
  • Acceptance testing control.
  • The non-destructive testing control.
  • Verification of operational documentation, certificates and permits.
  • Verification of nomenclature, completeness and conformity of components, technical requirements of the Customer for the product and contractual requirements for operational, packaging and accompanying documents.
  • Checking the quality of protective coatings, preservation, labeling and packaging of the finished product.
  • Quality control of warehousing, storage in the manufacturing plant, readiness of transport vehicles for cargo transportation, cargo securing schemes, adequacy and quality of packaging, taking into account transportation conditions, loading and unloading operations.

For each type of product we offer the optimum volume of inspection, taking into account the wishes and requirements of the customer, which can be carried out as a 100% volume and selective, at the discretion of the customer.

Employees of the Inspection Department and personnel reserve, are specialists in the field of quality control of finished products and semi-finished products in metallurgical, machine building and oil and gas sectors as well as in the field of technical supervision of construction of buildings and constructions of both industrial and civil purposes of any complexity.

The inspection staff and talent pool of the Inspection Department has experience in performing inspections at the following enterprises:


Flat and shaped steel:

In Ukraine: Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works PJSC; Azovstal PJSC; Illich Iron and Steel Works PJSC; Alchevsky Iron and Steel Works PJSC; Zaporizhstal PJSC, etc.

At the same time at some of the above enterprises these works were performed as outsourcing, i.e. replacing the QCD controllers of the plants.

In Europe: Huta Czestochowa (Poland), Dillinger Hutte (Germany), Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech (Germany), etc;

In China: Jiansu Shagang Group Ltd; Taizhou Elite Drill Pipe Co., Ltd; Tianjin Minghai Petroleum Tubular Co. Ltd; Wuxi Zhenda Bearing Steel Tube Manufacturing Co.


Ukraine: JSC “Interpipe NTZ”, Dnepr; LLC “Interpipe NICO TUBE”, Nikopol; JSC “Interpipe NMTZ”, Novomoskovsk; JSC “DTZ”, Dnepr; DP “Factory UB and VT”, Sumy.

Georgia: LLC Rustavi Steel, Rustavi.


Europe: EUROPIPE GmbH, EUROTUBE GmbH, Mainheim am Ruhr, Germany; VOESTALPINE TUBULARS GmbH & Co KG, Kinlberg-Aumühl, Austria.

In addition, our specialists have experience of survey work in all ports of Ukraine.