Official Representation
of TÜV Austria in Ukraine.

04053, Kyiv, Ukraine
Sichovih Strilciv st, 50, of. 2b
on map
Ph: 380 44 344 9526 Fax: 380 44 344 9526


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Wind power – the reliable solution for a more sustainable future

Benefit from our expertise in onshore and offshore wind power!

TÜV Austria operates the world’s largest test station for small turbines under ideal wind conditions at Myers Hill, UK.

Wind power – accelerating progress

The global goals for increasing the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix are promising. With this in mind, onshore and offshore wind farms are gaining in importance. However, to utilize the full potential of wind power, these wind turbines need to be properly designed, efficiently implemented and effectively operated. We can help you meet this challenge – no matter where you plan to build or operate a wind turbine. By offering our expertise in 40 countries, we help you to secure your investment and your profits.

Your questions…

  • How can I ensure compliance with international standards and national regulations?
  • How can I be sure that my onshore and offshore wind investments will be profitable?
  • How can I maintain and validate the value of onshore and offshore wind farms?
  • How can I effectively implement regional and municipal energy and climate protection projects?

TÜV Austria offers complete solutions – global, local and completely customized!



  • Certification of offshore wind projects, e.g. BSH standard
  • Feasibility study
  • Wind and power generation due diligence/reports
  • Wind speed measurement
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Ground assessment
  • In-process monitoring and quality control
  • Pre-shipment and post-shipment inspections, transportation management
  • Construction supervision
  • Risk Management


  • Final approval and periodic inspections
  • Power Curve Measurements
  • Technical connection and power system quality assessments
  • Fault investigation


  • Regional and utility energy and climate change schemes
  • Regional and local capacity analysis
  • Certificate of energy extraction (SAR, clean energy)
  • TÜV Austria is an associate partner of Dii
  • Use wind power efficiently and reliably with TÜV Austria

Use wind power efficiently and reliably with TÜV Austria

TÜV Austria is one of the world’s leading technical service providers, supporting its customers along the entire value chain by providing consulting, testing, certification and training services. We are recognized experts in all cases where quality and safety must be tested and certified according to international regulations.

TÜV Austria has all necessary accreditations and can provide onshore and offshore wind farms with certification according to all relevant national and international directives. Therefore, we can provide you with full support in case you need to provide proof that your products comply with the relevant standards and regulations.

More than 16,000 qualified employees have issued over 280,000 product certificates and 30,000 management system certificates in over 600 locations worldwide. Customers benefit from cross-industry, comprehensive services and more than 140 years of experience at TÜV Austria.

By choosing TÜV Austria as your partner: We verify wind turbine types and designs and certify systems and supplied systems according to internationally recognized norms and standards.

Choosing TÜV Austria’s financial attractiveness and due diligence services, such as feasibility studies and technology assessments.

By authorizing TÜV Austria to perform periodic inspections and determine the value of your wind power plants.

Trusting TÜV Austria to assess the regional wind potential for planning and implementation and to benefit from our energy schemes.

Contact us today to gain access to a one-stop full suite of onshore and offshore wind energy services – worldwide.